How do i turn off nvda screen reader
How do i turn off nvda screen reader

A tells a user it is pressed.Įxamples I have seen, heavily simplified: A checkbox with checked tells a user it is checked. This also extends to telling users what a control is and, in some cases, telling a user its state. If you use aria-label, then they will not translate ( excepting some Chrome users). If in addition to these screen reader defaults you add instructions, then they may conflict, they may be redundant, they may not apply to the form factor, and they will be verbose. As users get more familiar with the tools, they can skip some of those instructions or disable them altogether. When a screen reader encounters an element on the page that invites interaction beyond reading, it typically provides users with instructions how to consume or interact with it. TL DR: for standard HTML controls and standard ARIA patterns (widgets), you do not need to add instructions for screen readers on how to use them nor what they are. Updated February 16, 2022, originally posted Octo11 Comments

how do i turn off nvda screen reader

Stop Giving Control Hints to Screen Readers

How do i turn off nvda screen reader